has considered or had considered ?

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Aug 20, 2010
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I read this sentence on the website

Dr. Smith has asked him if he had considered counselling but he said no.

Why are the tenses different ? "has asked" and then "had considered"?

Is it Ok for me to make this change?
Dr. Smith has asked him if he has considered counselling but he said no


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Jan 28, 2011
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I read this sentence on the website

Dr. Smith has asked him if he had considered counselling but he said no.

Why are the tenses different ? "has asked" and then "had considered"?

Is it Ok for me to make this change?
Dr. Smith has asked him if he has considered counselling but he said no

1- Dr. Smith has asked him:"Have you considered counselling?"
Dr. Smith has asked him if he had considered counselling.

2- Dr. Smith has asked him:"Have you considered counselling?"
Dr. Smith has asked him if he has considered counselling.

3- Dr. Smith has asked him:"had you considered counselling before ...?"
Dr. Smith has asked him if he had considered counselling before ... .


In situation 1, the matter of he considering counselling is so far from us in the time that has no influence on the present time when we are reporting what Dr. Smith has asked him. But it had consequences at the time when Dr. Smith asked the question, so at that time it was asked in "present perfect tense"

In situation 2, the matter of he considering counselling has still consequences for the present time when we are reporting what Dr. Smith has asked him.

In situation 3, Dr. Smith himself asked the question in the "past perfect tense". And you ofcourse know the difference between "present perfect tense" and "past perfect tense"

Well! I guess Your question is related to these situations. You should first recognize the situation in which that question is reported.

There is also a fourth possibility:

4- Dr. Smith has asked him:"Did you consider counselling?"
Dr. Smith has asked him if he had considered counselling.
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