Email Phrases


Email phrases that can finish in different ways practice.

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Use and continue the emailing phrases

Deal out the email phrase sentence stems cards that your teacher gives you and use as many phrases as you can starting with those words as you roleplay email exchanges, perhaps just saying what you would write instead of actually writing.

When you finish, ask about any cards which you couldn’t use or weren’t sure how to finish.

Brainstorm at least two endings for each card, then match them to the Finishing Email Phrases Cards to check and find more answers. Then play the same using cards game with just the Finishing Email Phrases Cards this time.


Email phrase sentence stem cards


Opening emails sentence stem cards












Thanks/ Thank you…



I am writing…



It was so nice to…



It was a pleasure (for me) to…



I was delighted…



I was sorry to…



This is just a quick note to say…



Sorry to write out of the blue, but…



(I) hope…



(I’m) sorry…






As (you) requested/ suggested/ instructed,…


The body of emails sentence stem cards



I would be grateful…



Could you…?



…, if that is convenient with you.



I’m afraid…/ I’m sorry, but…/ Unfortunately,…



Is it okay/ Would it be okay…?



As you may be aware,…



This is because…



I wasn’t sure…



Please find…



Closing emails sentence stem cards



I look forward to...









See you…



Thanks/ Thank you…



… would be gratefully accepted/ would be greatly appreciated.



(I’m) sorry…



(I) hope…




Finishing email phrases cards

Match these cards to the sentence stems above.



I couldn’t be more help/ for any inconvenience caused/ for the late notice.



to see you again soon/ to have the chance to meet face to face soon/ to get a reply from my boss by Friday/ you get well soon.



first name/ everyone/ guys



All staff/ All academic staff/ PhD students (NOT name RARE whom it may concern)



to meet you yesterday/ hear from you (again)/ receive your invitation.



meet you yesterday/ attend the conference.



to meet you last week/ to hear that you’d be attending our conference.



hear the news about the typhoon/ miss your visit last week/ have to cancel our meeting.



that I’ll be a little late tomorrow/ I haven’t forgotten about your request.



I was hoping you could put me in touch with…/ I believe you could help me with…



you had a good weekend/ you are well/ you and your family are well.



to reply so late/ for my late reply/ to hear that you can’t make the meeting.



’s it going/ are things/ ‘s life?



I have…/ I am planning to…



if you could…./ for any help you can give me with…



let me know if…/ help me with…/ possibly…?



to bring a colleague with me/ to share your email with my colleagues?



of our privacy policy/ of transport disruption due to the typhoon/ of safety concerns.



whether I was supposed to…/ who I should contact about this but…



…attached/ the information below.




seeing you again soon/ your reply/ hearing from you/ hearing from you soon/ your next visit to Japan.





you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me./ anything isn’t clear, please let me know./ you need more info, please drop me a line.





write again by the end of today/ also put this information on our website/ get back to you as soon as I can/ make sure this doesn’t happen again.




soon/ tomorrow/ then.


(to you) to ask…/ to inform you about…/ to invite…/ about…/ in connection with…/ with regards to…


a typhoon is approaching/ there will be a conference next weekend/ the rules on… have recently changed.



first name/ Mr + family name/ Ms + family name/ Dr + family name/ Professor + family name/ all/ Sir or Madam



for your email yesterday/ for your advice on my dissertation/ for attending the induction session yesterday



I’ll be available on Tuesday afternoon/ I’ll be visiting London and would like to meet then



I’m not available at that time/ I have a meeting at that time/ we are not permitted to provide that kind of personal information



in advance/ again/ for your understanding/ for your patience.



Any help you can give me/ Any feedback


Suggested answers


Dear first name/ Mr + family name/ Ms + family name/ Dr + family name/ Professor + family name/ all/ Sir or Madam (NOT Professor NOT teacher NOT my friend)

Hi + first name/ everyone/ guys


To: All staff/ All academic staff/ PhD students (NOT name RARE whom it may concern)


Thanks/ Thank you for your email yesterday/ for your advice on my dissertation/ for attending the induction session yesterday.

I am writing (to you) to ask for…/ to inform you about…/ to invite you…/ about…/ in connection with…/ with regards to…

It was so nice to meet you yesterday/ hear from you (again)/ receive your invitation.


It was a pleasure (for me) to meet you yesterday/ attend the conference.


I was delighted to meet you last week/ to hear that you’d be attending our conference.


I was sorry to hear the news about the typhoon last week/ miss you when you visited last week/ have to cancel our last meeting.

This is just a quick note to say that I’ll be a little late tomorrow/ I haven’t forgotten about your request.

Sorry to write out of the blue, but I was hoping you could put me in touch with…/ I believe you could help me with…

(I) hope you had a good weekend/ you are well/ you and your family are well.


(I’m) sorry to reply so late/ for my late reply/ to hear that you can’t make the meeting.


How’s it going/ are things/ ‘s life?


As (you) requested/ suggested/ instructed, I have…/ I am planning to…


I would be grateful if you could…./ for any help you can give me with…


Could you let me know if…/ help me with…/ possibly…?


I will be available on Tuesday afternoon/ / I will be visiting London and would like to meet up then, if that is convenient with you.

I’m afraid…/ I’m sorry, but/ Unfortunately, I’m not available at that time/ I have a meeting at that time/ we are not permitted to provide that kind of personal information.

Is it okay/ Would it be okay to bring a colleague with me/ to share your email with my colleagues?

As you may be aware, a typhoon is approaching/ there will be a conference next weekend/ the rules on… have recently changed.



This is because of our privacy policy/ of transport disruption due to the typhoon/ of safety concerns.

I wasn’t sure whether I was supposed to…/ who I should contact about this but…


Please find… attached/ the information below.


I look forward to seeing you again soon/ your reply/ hearing from you/ hearing from you soon/ your next visit to Japan.

If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me./ anything isn’t clear, please let me know./ you need more info, please drop me a line.

I’ll write again by the end of today/ also put this information on our website/ get back to you as soon as I can/ make sure this doesn’t happen again.

See you soon/ tomorrow/ then.


Thanks/ Thank you in advance/ again/ for your understanding/ for your patience (RARE taking the time to read this email RARE for your cooperation).

Any help you can give me/ Any feedback would be gratefully accepted/ would be greatly appreciated.

(I’m) sorry I couldn’t be more help/ for any inconvenience caused/ for the late notice.


(I) hope to see you again soon/ to have the chance to meet face to face soon/ to get a reply from my boss by Friday/ you get well soon.


Test each other on the phrases above:

  • Read the parts above with the bit in bold left out until your partner guesses what is missing
  • Read out the part in bold and help your partner to come up with as many phrases as they can


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