How can the beginner spell the words correctly?

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Senior Member
Apr 29, 2014
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Hello all,
When I hear the native English teacher said that, if people pronoun a word "Apple",
he/she can spell the word "ap" "ple" together with a word "apple".

How can you do that?
How can I improve the spelling?:-|
The spelling of English words is problematic for everyone, even native speakers. You just have to learn them, one by one.
he/she can spell the word "ap" "ple" together with a word "apple".
Unfortunately, what your teacher has said is potentially confusing. There is only one /p/ sound in apple. You can't say 'ap' and then 'ple' to get 'apple' even if it was obvious how you should pronounce 'ple'. You can say ap(ə)l.
Unfortunately, what your teacher has said is potentially confusing. There is only one /p/ sound in apple. You can't say 'ap' and then 'ple' to get 'apple' even if it was obvious how you should pronounce 'ple'. You can say ap(ə)l.

What's that? (ə)l?????
ə is a way of writing the sound uh.
Yes, that's the method used in the second of my links. I've never really understood how 'uh' says /ə/ but it's one of the conventions.

I know it's not perfect, but we need some conventions.
How can I improve the spelling?

***** NOT A TEACHER *****

Hello, Polyester:

If you want to improve your spelling, it is absolutely necessary to read, read, read.

When you read widely, your eyes become accustomed to how words are spelled.

Even native speakers, however, must often consult a good dictionary.

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