Where are you going? vs I want to know where you are going.

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Tan Elaine

Key Member
Jun 29, 2008
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Where are you going?

I want to know where you are going.

Is the above a case of subject-verb inversion? And could someone give me more examples?

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Could someone please help? Thanks.
Where are you going?

I want to know where you are going.

Is the above a case of subject-verb inversion? Yes, as is the case with most questions. And could someone give me more examples? I just highlighted one for you :up:


Where are you going?

I want to know where you are going.

Is the above a case of subject-verb inversion? And could someone give me more examples?

Yes, it is. We use inversion when a direct question is converted to an indirect one.

'How old is he?'

'Do you know how old he is?'

I personally do not understand why sometimes we do not get answers here. Is there anything wrong with our questions or have we asked kind of unrelated questions? At least we must be said that your question is not
Okay or unrelated, then we may try another. This is not a complaint. I just stated what I felt in myself. Tan Elaine! I saw you post was just hanging on with no response since yesterday.:cry:
I personally do not understand why sometimes we do not get answers here.

We are all volunteers with lives beyond this forum. If you want quicker answers you can find sites where you can pay for them.
Besides, expecting rapid answers in a weekend is not realistic either, IMO.

I personally do not understand why sometimes we do not get answers here. Is there anything wrong with our questions or have we asked kind of unrelated questions? At least we must be said that your question is not
Okay or unrelated, then we may try another. This is not a complaint. I just stated what I felt in myself. Tan Elaine! I saw you post was just hanging on with no response since yesterday.:cry:

Your lack of patience is not doing you any favours UM Chakma. The reason that sometimes posts don't get any responses, as Rover said, is that we are volunteers. This is what we do in our spare time. It is not our job. We are under no obligation to answer anything. We have to go to work, eat, sleep, shop, deal with our families and lots more. Quite honestly, sometimes it's surprising that we manage to write as many responses as we do. Sometimes questions are so badly worded that it would take so long to work out what the meaning is, that it's quicker for us to move on to a question that we can answer. Usually, even a badly-worded question will get a response eventually, even if it is only to say "Please try to ask your question again using different words".

As Rover said, if you want people to work to your timetable, then there are sites where you can pay for help. And as Charliedeut just said, the weekends are much quieter on the forum anyway. A post made on a Saturday or a Sunday might well not get a response until Monday.
Did I disappoint all of you? If so, I apologize to all of you. From now on, I will have much more patience. I swear it. Please do not mind. It is appreciated and much worthier rather than anything that you are sharing your knowledge with us.
I agree that the volunteers who answer questions are busy. That's why we should be patient.

What I did when I did not get a response after one day is by saying "Could someone please help? Thanks." We must be polite, not demanding.
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