Search Results for 'cock'

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Total results: 9

Cock a snook
To make a rude gesture by putting one thumb to the nose with the fingers outstretched.

Cock of the walk
A man who is excessively confident and thinks he's better than other people is the cock of the walk.

Cock and bull story
A cock and bull story is a lie someone tells that is completely unbelievable.

Cock in the henhouse
This is used to describe a male in an all-female environment.

John Hancock
John Hancock means a signature- his signature on the engrossed copy of the Declaration of Independence is very prominent.

Go off half-cocked
If you go off half-cocked, you take a rash action without being prepared for the consequences. It refers to an old fashioned single action revolver, which had a half-cock position in the action where it would supposedly not fire. If you made a mistake and it was at full cock,...

Warm the cockles of your heart
If something warms the cockles of your heart, it makes you feel happy.

Knock into a cocked hat
If you knock something or someone into a cocked hat, you are much better.

Proud as a peacock
Someone who is as proud as a peacock is excessively proud.


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