Business Negotiation Roleplays


Negotiating with people inside your company and outside your company free speaking, including suggested topics and people to negotiate with (suppliers, your boss, etc).

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Internal and external negotiations roleplays

Choose a topic below. Roleplay a whole meeting on that, from small talk at the start to farewell at the end. Make sure the language matches the situation. Your teacher will tell you if you have free choice of topic, or to flip a coin (heads = internal, tails = external).

Topics of internal negotiations (e.g. with your boss)

  • attending an event (e.g. trade fair)
  • changing teams/ changing sections/ changing departments
  • changing your job responsibilities
  • changing your performance-related pay
  • changing your personal targets
  • changing your working hours
  • extending a deadline/ getting longer to complete a project
  • getting a bigger budget for your project
  • getting a car parking space
  • getting a pay rise/ getting a pay raise
  • getting a promotion
  • getting more people in your team
  • getting more technology/ getting better technology
  • getting your own office
  • going on fewer business trips – going on more business trips
  • moving branches
  • taking some training
  • taking time off (for a vacation, for the birth of a child, etc)
  • working abroad
  • working from home (= telecommuting)

Topics of external negotiations (with suppliers, with clients, etc)

  • changing the delivery terms
  • changing the size of an order
  • changing the specifications that you want
  • getting cheaper supplies
  • raising the prices that you charge
  • renegotiating something
  • signing a long(er)-term contract
  • signing a short(er)-term contract

Ask about situations above which you don’t understand, are not sure what to say in, etc. Then brainstorm some differences between internal and external negotiations.


Roleplay negotiating with a person below. Choose any topic(s) you like this time.

(Internal and external) people to negotiate with

  • negotiate with a co-worker
  • negotiate with a different department/ a different division/ a different team
  • negotiate with a prospective customer/ a prospective client
  • negotiate with a subcontractor
  • negotiate with a supplier/ a vendor
  • negotiate with an existing customer/ an existing client
  • negotiate with the head of your department/ the head of your division
  • negotiate with your direct boss/ your line manager

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