Don't have/have not

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Don Diego

Mar 30, 2022
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It's correct to say - You are an adult so you don't have summer vacation. May I say - You are an adult so you haven't summer vacation?
You can but it sounds dated (old-fashioned). Most native speakers would use either "you don't have" or "you don't get".
I don't see the connection between being an adult and not getting any summer vacatiom
I think the OP is talking about what we used to call "the summer holidays" (from school). As an adult, you don't automatically get six weeks off in the summer. I believe that period is called "summer vacation" in AmE.
I don't see the connection between being an adult and not getting any summer vacatiom
This example was in a textbook. I think emsr2d2 is right this sentence is talking about school holidays.
You have summer vacation. ✅
You don't have summer vacation. ✅

You haven't summer vacation. ❌
This example was in a textbook.
In future, Don Diego, please give this information in post #1, together with the title and author of the book.
In future, Don Diego, please give this information in post #1, together with the title and author of the book.
I said incorrect, excuse me. I saw this sentence in a website. It was an exercise.
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