eat fast/eat quickly

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Sep 15, 2013
Member Type
Student or Learner
Native Language
Home Country
Great Britain
Current Location
Great Britain
Hello everyone,

1. He always eats fast.
2. Don't eat so quickly!

Are these sentences correct? If they are then can I use "quickly" in sentence N1 and "fast" in sentence N2?

Thank you.
Yes to all questions.
I am not a teacher.

You can use them interchangeably because they are both adverbs.

However, as far as what 'sounds' natural is concerned, I think that since "quickly" is only an adverb but "fast" is both an adjective and an adverb they don't feel the same in every situation.

In 1. I would use either, with a preference for "quickly".
In 2. I would use "fast". 2. is an imperative and a short command works better for me.
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