He can install fans on the roof?

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Naeem PTC

Junior Member
Jan 2, 2012
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Hi teachers,

1) He can install fans on the roof. Correct?
2) He can put fans on the roof. Correct?

3) I have difficulty making this sentence. A teacher gives his students a lesson every day to learn at home and he listen to it next day or how to say? please help me.

Many thanks in advance.
(Not a Teacher)

Both are fine for what you're trying to say. You could say 2 is a little more colloquial.

As for your third sentence:

"The teacher gives his students a lesson every day to learn at home and he listens to it the next day."

-- Out of curiosity, what do you mean by the teacher giving his students a lesson to learn at home?
Do you mean homework? Or do you memorize the lesson at home and recite it in class?
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So I can put the fans on the roof. Is used in Spoken?
As for 3, You are right but if somebody asks me where I am going. I say "I am going to the teacher to tell him the lesson by heart. correct?
So I can put the fans on the roof. Is used in Spoken?
As for 3, You are right but if somebody asks me where I am going. I say "I am going to the teacher to tell him the lesson by heart. correct?

Why would you put fans on the roof, do you mean on the ceiling?
:up: Spanish speakers could remember this by thinking of cielo - what you see when you look up. Sorry, Naeem ;-)

Note, the word is 'listens'.

Why would you put fans on the roof, do you mean on the ceiling?

Residential homes have roof fans that help vent the attic. Commercial and industrial buildings may also have larger fans (also called ventilators) installed on their roofs to, for instance, siphon off heat from a kitchen or a server room.

As there are fans in our rooms on the ceiling. So how to say? I called an electrician. He installed the fan to the ceiling. Correct? But if I talk to a child, he won't understand "install" (I think). Can I use "put the fans on the ceiling" instead?

Many thanks.
"Put in a ceiling fan" is how I would say it.
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