Helllo, Teachers, Which one is correct?

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I include myself in the '(most) native speakers'. I would not accept as correct that from a student, and I am more liberal than some of my colleagues.
Same here.

And for those of our readers who missed the mischievousness of fivejedjon's answer (at least, I think there was a twinkle in his eye ;-)), what I wouldn't do is 'accept that as correct from a student', or - if I was on my best behaviour (keeping 'accept as correct' and not splitting it with an object - as prescribed by some grammars) 'I would not accept as correct a word-order such as that, if one of my pupils used it'.

And for those of our readers who missed the mischievousness of fivejedjon's answer (at least, I think there was a twinkle in his eye ;-)...)
Thank you for your charitable thought, Bob, but honesty compels me to admit that it was a blunder. When I read your post, I looked back at mine and shuddered.

I can't believe that I wrote that, previewed it, and then read the submitted message, all without noticing it.

A short time ago, I wrote to TheParser in another thread, "Teachers can make mistakes". I didn't realise that I would quickly become a good example of this.
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