midday main meal

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Dec 27, 2010
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South Korea
What does "main meal" mean? We eat three meals equally, but probably in the past, they had one meal heavily and two other meals lightly.

12)Siesta is the tradition of enjoying daytime sleep in Spain and many Hispanic American countries and the Philippines influenced by Spanish culture...High temperatures and the heavy intake of food at the midday main meal contribute to the tradition of the modern siesta...The origin of the siesta seems to be related to a midday break allowing people to spend time with...Some people say that the modern siesta dates back to the Spanish Civil War, when many Spaniards working several jobs at irregular hours to overcoome their poverty postponed meals until later in the afternoon or evening...
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What does "main meal" mean? We eat three meals equally, but probably in the past, they had one meal heavily and two other meals lightly.

12)Siesta is the tradition of enjoying daytime sleep in Spain and many Hispanic American countries and the Philippines influenced by Spanish culture...High temperatures and the heavy intake of food at the midday main meal contribute to the tradition of the modern siesta...

The "main meal" is usually the largest meal. In some cultures, that usually takes place on the early afternoon. In others it takes place in the evening or at night.
1. Does "influenced by Spanish culture" describe only "the Philippines " or "many Hispanic American countries and the Philippines"? Maybe it depends.
2. I don't know if "many Spaniards working several jobs at irregular hours to overcoome their poverty postponed meals until later in the afternoon or evening." is siesta. You working irregularly doesn't cause siesta. What do you think?.
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1. Does "influenced by Spanish culture" describe only "the Philippines " or "many Hispanic American countries and the Philippines"? Maybe it depends.
2. I don't know if "many Spaniards working several jobs at irregular hours to overcoome their poverty postponed meals until later in the afternoon or evening." is siesta. You working irregularly doesn't cause siesta. What do you think?.

1. Hispanic American cultures and the Philippines were influenced by Spanish culture.
2. Those who worked irregular hours to overcome their poverty had to postpone their meals until later in the day.
What does "main meal" mean? We eat three meals equally, but probably in the past, they had one meal heavily and two other meals lightly.

You've brought up an interesting cultural point there. Are the three daily meals in Korea equal in size and importance? In the UK, most people (who work or study during the day) tend to have at least something for breakfast (ranging from a cup of coffee to a full cooked English brekkie), a lighter lunch (soup or a sandwich or a salad) and then a much bigger meal in the evening. At weekends, the proportions (and portions) are a little different with more people treating themselves to a cooked breakfast on a Saturday and many families indulging in a full "Sunday roast".
Thank, but it was a finished question, and I'm interested in these.

1. Does "influenced by Spanish culture" describe only "the Philippines " or "many Hispanic American countries and the Philippines"? Maybe it depends.
2. I don't know it gave birth to siesta that "many Spaniards working several jobs at irregular hours to overcoome their poverty postponed meals until later in the afternoon or evening." You posponed lunch doesn't cause siesta. which is related to sleep. What do you think?.
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