Phd of Marine Biology

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Aug 9, 2015
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Here is the message I received directly from our Lord and Savior: It came to me as I awoke from my slumber, It reads and may very well be the first chapter in a new begining of birth and my book:

You are a very powerful person, with a very powerful voice. You are filled with the spirit of the Lord, which can do all things through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Therefore He sends forth his helper the holy spirit to guide you through the dark valley. He will light your path and keep you on the narrow straight. You will be supplied with an abundance of wisdom which will require you to be knowledgeable in several areas of intellectual arenas. This will keep your mind set on the up most high and comfort you. You will have a sound mind, which will be the battlefeild that requires you to set strongholds up and keep you set on your journey set forth from the messiah. We have done most of all the work so far. Now it is time to receive your blessing and guide others to understand and accept that they were wonderfully made too and well endowed by their creator. You are a child of God, A child of the King. You have royalty flowing through you veins.The fact that you have been chosen to specialize in a field of knowledge that our Father, Abba has chosen to be kept secret since the beginning of time through many generations. Proves, That He loves you, and that you are blessed and highly favoured. He blessed you, to bless others. This blessing is a turning point in your life, never lose sight.

Amen. In the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost.


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What relevance has your text to the thread title?


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Jul 28, 2009
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It seems DrBlueThumb has accidentally posted a completely unconnected piece of writing under the title. I am closing the thread.

DrBlueThumb, if you would like to post a piece of writing that has some relevance to your title, please start a new thread.
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