Quiz: Phrasal Verbs - Do

This is a intermediate-level quiz containing 11 multichoice quiz questions from our 'phrasal verbs' category. Simply answer all questions and press the 'Grade Me' button to see your score. This exercise is also available as a printable worksheet.

To access the printable version of this quiz, view our 'Phrasal Verbs - Do' Worksheet.

Phrasal Verbs - Do Quiz

Exercise Instructions: Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - I'm so thirsty; I could really do ...... a cup of tea
Q2 - You must do ...... your seatbelt; it's the law
Q3 - If you don't do your shoes ......., you'll probably fall over
Q4 - That's got nothing to do ....... me; it's absolutely none of my business
Q5 - The house was in bad condition and they had to do it ...... before they could live there
Q6 - He did them ......... of a lot of money with his lies
Q7 - The accident did .... him; he never recovered
Q8 - He did a lot of harm ...... the cause
Q9 - Do ..... others what you would have them do to you
Q10 - They buy old cars do them ..... and sell them for a profit
Q11 - If there isn't any tea, I'll make do ...... coffee
