[Essay] Niece's essay

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Oct 12, 2014
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Please check my Niece's essay for me. Thanks a lot.
Hello. I'm Zahra, I'm from the Iran. I'm student and I'm 10.
Jobs my dad is navy and my mom is teacher. I have a sister. She's 5. She's name is Tina. I have a aunt I love she's. My favorite food is soup.
Hello. My name is Zahra and I come from Iran. I'm a 10-year-old pupil. My dad's job is in the navy and my mum works as a teacher. I have a sister who's 5 and her name is Tina. I have an aunt whom I really love. My favorite food is soup.


Hello. I'm Zahra and I'm from Iran. I'm 10 years old and I'm a pupil. My father works in the navy and my mother is a teacher. I have a five-year-old sister whose name is Tina. I love my aunt and my favorite food is soup. ;-)
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