use of "/"

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May 25, 2021
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Can I use in formal english "/" as described bellow ?

The effects of HIIT performed in a single (1-HIIT) or three daily sessions (3-HIIT) on cardiometabolic risk factors, cardiac function/hypertrophy, cardiac/skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis and adipocyte morphology were investigated in young rats.
Your use of "/" is just fine in technical writing. In writing for a wider audience I would prefer a conjuction: either and or or.
I'd advise against it. Is this the title of your piece? Where exactly will this be published, and for whom is this sentence intended?

Anyway, I think you're using the slash wrong. Do you mean?:

cardiac function and cardiac hypertrophy

cardiac muscle mitochondrial biogenesis and skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis
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On reflection, I agree with jutfrank. The slash is imprecise. Scientific writing should be precise. It should never require guesswork from the reader.

Do you think that the use of "/" is incorrect ?
It is because the sentence will be too long.
I will put the entire sentence with your recommendation. Please, let me know your opinion:

Thus, to support human studies, the purpose of the present study is to compare the effects of 8 weeks of 6 minutes of HIIT performed either in a single daily session (1- HIIT) or in an accumulated fashion (three times a day, 3- HIIT) on markers of cardiometabolic health, cardiac function, cardiac hypertrophy, adipocyte morphology, cardiac and skeletal muscles mitochondrial biogenesis .
Do you think that the use of "/" is incorrect ?

Yes. Don't use slashes in the titles of your papers.

It is because the sentence will be too long.

Don't worry about sentences being too long. This is science, not literature. Above all, you need to write clearly and precisely.

Please, let me know your opinion:

Thus, to support human studies, the purpose of the present study is to compare the effects of 8 weeks of 6 minutes of HIIT performed either in a single daily session (1- HIIT) or in an accumulated fashion (three times a day, 3- HIIT) on markers of cardiometabolic health, cardiac function, cardiac hypertrophy, adipocyte morphology, cardiac and skeletal muscles mitochondrial biogenesis.

It's okay.
Thus, to support human studies, the purpose of the present study is to compare the effects of 8 weeks of 6 minutes of HIIT performed [STRIKE]either[/STRIKE] in a single daily session (1- HIIT) or in an accumulated fashion (three times a day, 3- HIIT) on markers of cardiometabolic health, cardiac function, cardiac hypertrophy, adipocyte morphology, cardiac and skeletal muscles mitochondrial biogenesis.
There's a problem in the underlined part. I can make a couple of guesses but I don't know what it's supposed to mean. Are you talking about cardiac- and skeletal-muscle mitochondrial biogenesis, that is, mitochondrial biogenesis that's related to cardiac and skeletal muscles? If so, this edited version should express the idea:
… markers of cardiometabolic health, cardiac function, cardiac hypertrophy, adipocyte morphology, and cardiac- and skeletal-muscle mitochondrial biogenesis.

Make sure you copy it exactly. You need the word "and" before "cardiac"; there has to be a hyphen followed by a space after "cardiac"; "skeletal-muscle" has to be hyphenated with no spaces; and "muscle" has to be singular.

I removed several extra spaces.
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