all that work

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Senior Member
Sep 4, 2006
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South Korea
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South Korea
I would like to know the meaning of "All that work" in the next writing.

Susie had been raking the leaves for her grandmother. She raked all the leaves into a large pile and then she put the rake back in the garage. She looked up at the sky and saw it was getting dark. Jack, the boy who lives on her street, saw the leaves. He came running up behind Susie and kicked all the leaves, so they fell across the lawn. Susie started to cry, “All that work, and you ruined it!”
I would like to know the meaning of "All that work" in the next writing.

Susie had been raking the leaves for her grandmother. She raked all the leaves into a large pile and then she put the rake back in the garage. She looked up at the sky and saw it was getting dark. Jack, the boy who lives on her street, saw the leaves. He came running up behind Susie and kicked all the leaves, so they fell across the lawn. Susie started to cry, “All that work, and you ruined it!”
What do you think it might mean?
I really like the way Bhaisahab answer !
To my friend in Korea, you at least make some little move to show you really want to learn it in a positive way before asking for assistance, not just wait for.." Sir, dinner is served !"
I really like the way Bhaisahab answer !
To my friend in Korea, you at least make some little move to show you really want to learn it in a positive way before asking for assistance, not just wait for.." Sir, dinner is served !"
Maybe this image comes from your own language, but we have two quite similar expressions in English. Bhaisahab doesn't give the answers on a plate, and he doesn't spoon-feed students. ('Spoon-feeding' is what you do to a baby; it often involves pretending that the spoon is an aeroplane. ;-))

Maybe this image comes from your own language, but we have two quite similar expressions in English. Bhaisahab doesn't give the answers on a plate, and he doesn't spoon-feed students. ('Spoon-feeding' is what you do to a baby; it often involves pretending that the spoon is an aeroplane. ;-))

You surely misunderstand what I mean. All I'd tried to say was: That Korean guy should have worked the problem out in the first place ..Secondly, When I put" Sir, dinner is served" I sincerely hoped to give the guy who was asking for solution, a constructive way upon learning English and I did it with a bit sense of my own humour ( not sarcasm ) in order to get my words tender ( for I did not mean to criticise the guy in Korea, let alone the teacher,who I really like )
In short, I would have been clearer in my own language, English is a foreign language to me here in VN. Anyway, all I meant is: try to do something yourself first before asking for help, do not just sit still and demand, does that offend the guy in Korea? if so, I would like to apologize for that. Btw, I am not here to seek fighting,but help others sincerely, just look at my profile: I've been here just for a couple of days, I am not a teacher and I am from a country in Asia, I do not have opporunity to go to any English schools and I've just taught myself till today...and I am 52 years old.( do I need a fight from silly stuff?)
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..Wow..I just have a look at your name again and I now know that you are an Mod here ! will I lose a chance to participate and help others on this page? will I get deleted again?
Best regards,
I don't think I misunderstood. I agree that the OP could have done some thinking for himself, and I agree with Bhaisahab's approach. There's no problem. ;-)

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