Evidently, he's a vinyl hipster who loves fetish manga.

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Jun 16, 2017
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Russian Federation
Hello, I have a new question. This is from the movie Gone Girl.
A woman describes what men mean by "Cool Girl".

"Cool Girl." Men always use that as their defining compliment. Cool Girl is hot. Cool Girl is game. Cool Girl is fun. Cool Girl never gets angry at her man. She only smiles in a chagrined, loving manner and then presents her mouth for f*****g. She likes what he likes. So evidently, he's a vinyl hipster who loves fetish manga. If he likes Girls Gone Wild, she's a mall babe who talks football and endures buffalo wings at Hooters.

I'm almost clueless on this one. My interpretation (most likely wrong): she means to say that women like vinyl clothes and fetish manga, so there's no way there's a man who likes it too.
Or is it the other way around? I just don't get it. Even though I know a little about manga (Japanese comics), I couldn't say for sure who likes to read fetish manga more. Both women and men read them, but those are usually slightly perverted individuals. Normal people don't read it.
And "vinyl hipsters", perhaps, she means youngsters who listen to vinyl recordings a lot and it's not about vinyl garments at all? I just don't know. So I'd appreciate your help. Thank you.
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I think she's saying that vinyl and fetish manga are things that men like.
Thank you, but I still don't get a few (important) things.
1) Why does she call men hipsters? I mostly associated hipsters with teenagers and young people who are (usually well) below 30. She is around 35 years old and probably implies men of her (or above her) age. Is her use of the word appropriate?
2) So 'vinyl' stands for 'vinyl recordings'?
3) I don't understand why she says "evidently". What does make it evident? (Please note that I've inserted one sentence I chose not to post creating this thread (it's in grey), which perhaps of importance here. It's a full quotation now).

Thank you.
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There are plenty of over-30 hipsters where I live!

Vinyl refers to music available on vinyl records, rather than on CD or in digital format.
In her mind the stated characteristics are those of a hipster from the vinyl record era.

For comparison you might do an easy search for the lyrics of "Old Hippie", by the "Bellamy Brothers".

No, that's not what she means. Take a look at the clip. Plus, a hipster is not a hippie!
Thank you, jutfrank. It didn't even crossed my mind that she directly referred to the girl in the car. Her lengthy monologue starts way before she's in the car and ends way after her arrival at the hotel. There are no significant pauses between sentences. She simply reads it from start to finish. I wouldn't have guessed without your help. Thank you and I'm sorry for the trouble.
In her mind the stated characteristics are those of a contemporary hipster [STRIKE]from the[/STRIKE] who collects vinyl records [STRIKE]era[/STRIKE].
Robert, hipsters are twenty-somethings among whom the males are stereotyped as wearing stylized facial hair and old-fashioned hats, preferring vinyl records to the various modern digital music formats. They may quaff cheap Pabst Blue Ribbon beer while listening to their lovably scratchy albums and waxing ironic on the topics of the day.
Thank you and I'm sorry for the trouble.

Please don't think you should apologise, Dark Fury! You're welcome. We're here to help.
Robert, hipsters are twenty-somethings among whom the males are stereotyped as wearing stylized facial hair and old-fashioned hats, preferring vinyl records to the various modern digital music formats. They may quaff cheap Pabst Blue Ribbon beer while listening to their lovably scratchy albums and waxing ironic on the topics of the day.

I couldn't have said it better myself. And crucially to the relevance of the thread, they have a proclivity for prescriptionless, thick-rimmed glasses, such as those worn by the girl in the car.
She likes what he likes. So evidently, he's a vinyl hipster who loves fetish manga. If he likes Girls Gone Wild, she's a mall babe who talks football and endures buffalo wings at Hooters.

The first sentence above is the key sentence. She likes what he likes, so working backwards, he must be a vinyl hipster with a love of fetish manga, because even though we can't see him at the moment, we're told she's essentially a mirror of her man's preferences.

Of course that's all based off of the viewer's snap judgement of the woman. The comment about fetish manga seems a bit snide, since in the movie clip we don't see her actually reading anything, but then the overall tone is snarkily judgemental anyway.

The woman speaking seems to be very conservative - notice she's even wearing a headscarf, so it's probably a safe guess she's taken an instant dislike to another woman with tattoos and body modifications.
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Robert, hipsters are twenty-somethings among whom the males are stereotyped as wearing stylized facial hair and old-fashioned hats, preferring vinyl records to the various modern digital music formats.

Mind you, the biggest buyers of vinyl nowadays are middle-aged blokes reliving their twenty-somethings, whose old-fashioned hats are just old-fashioned.
I keep reading stories in the American press about a huge resurgence of vinyl record sales to young people. But the one guy I know who has gone in for vinyl in a big way—to the point of spending hundreds of dollars on a tube-type pre-amp—fits your description pretty well. Being English, he even qualifies as a bloke.
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