job in a nail salon

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Jenny Nguyen

Junior Member
Feb 13, 2012
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Hi everyone!

What do you call a person who works in a nail salon or nail bar?

Thank you.
Nail technician or manicurist.
How about "nailist"? Is it a correct word?
In the nail salon near me, the staff are described as "nail artists".
When they use artist, the price goes up. :lol:
In the nail salon near me, the staff are described as "nail artists".


No wonder!
The Urban Dictionary often has a different slant on things. :shock:
The Urban Dictionary often has a different slant on things. :shock:

I'm (pleasantly) surprised about their entry on "slant", and the feigned dialogue about it.
I'm (pleasantly) surprised about their entry on "slant", and the feigned dialogue about it.

It does sometimes produce superb entries, and that is definitely one.
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