See if you can see soem other flowers


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Aug 8, 2010
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Today is the death day of a Chinese agronomist. He passed away three years ago and I began to ask a student to do me a favor. There's a statue of this argonomist in her university because this argonomist once studied there. I began to lay flowers before his statue the year he passed away. Today I asked this friend to buy some flowers again and we decided to lay chrysanthemums but she later told me they were sold out. I said to her "See if you can see soem other flowers to replace chrysanthemums".

I don't think the sentence is natural. What would you say?
Today is the death day of a Chinese agronomist. He passed away three years ago and I began to ask a student to do me a favor. There's a statue of this argonomist in her university because this argonomist once studied there. I began to lay flowers before his statue the year he passed away. Today I asked this friend to buy some flowers again and we decided to lay chrysanthemums but she later told me they were sold out. I said to her "See if you can see soem other flowers to replace chrysanthemums".

I don't think the sentence is natural. What would you say?
You need to correct your spelling mistake / typo. You wrote "soem" instead of "some".

The meaning is clear but it would be more natural to say "instead of" rather than "replace".

In conversation I would probably have said "OK, buy whatever flowers you think suitable".
Today is the second anniversary of the death day of a particular Chinese agronomist. He passed away three years ago and I began to ask a student to do me a favor. There's a statue of this agronomist in her at a friend's university because this agronomist he once studied there. I began to first lay flowers before his statue the year he passed away. Today, I asked this my friend to buy some flowers again on my behalf. and we decided I wanted to lay chrysanthemums but she later told me they were sold out. I said to her "See if you can see find soem some other flowers to replace instead of chrysanthemums".

I don't think the italic sentence is natural. What would you say?
Note my corrections and changes above. We don't use "death day".

You need to work on the logical order of your texts. You sometimes place random sentences in places they don't really fit. I suggest you put your thoughts down on paper and then mess around with them to make them fit together more logically.
I'd just say "See if you can find something else" or "See if they've got something else". I'd probably add "please"!
You need to correct your spelling mistake / typo. You wrote "soem" instead of "some".
... and you spelt agronomist wrong twice.

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