She dismissed it as unimportnant

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Jun 30, 2015
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-Could you explain to me the grammar point in this sentence, please!
" she dismissed it as unimportant."
-I already know that the functions of as are : conjunction; preposition; and adverb. That means after "as" we have noun, sentence or as + adj/adv + as...
-I don't know why we have as + adj like that sentence.
-Thanks in advance
Hello, ledinhtam.:)

She dismissed it as (being) unimportant.

The "being", which I think is a gerund, is left out.

I hope my response will be of some help to you.

***** NOT A TEACHER *****

Hello, Ledinhtam:

In addition to the teacher's excellent answer, you might be interested in what one of my books says:

1. "We considered him trustworthy."

My analysis, not the book's:

We = subject.
considered = verb.
him = object.
trustworthy. = adjective that "completes" the meaning of the object. Thus: "objective complement."

2. That book then tells us: "An adjective used as an objective complement may be introduced by 'as.' " It gives this sentence (please notice the different verb):

"We regarded him as trustworthy."

Source: Walter Kay Smart, English Review Grammar (1940), page 156.

P.S. It appears that whether the "as" is optional or required depends on the verb. In the case of your sentence, the "as," I am 99.99% confident, is REQUIRED.
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Thanks. I get it
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