[General] with a good deal of cleverness

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Sep 13, 2007
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Dear teachers,

Would you be kind enough to tell me whether I am right with my interpretation of the expression in bold in the following sentence?

When he was drunk, he used to beat his wife and daughter; and the next morning, with a headache, he would rail at the world for its neglect of his genius, and abuse, with a good deal of cleverness, and sometimes with perfect reason, the fools, his brother painters.

a great deal = to a very great degree or extent

with a great deal of cleverness = with a very witty manner = with a very delicate turn or phrase = quite wittily

Thanks for your efforts.


Your interpretation could be correct. "Cleverness" could also mean something like "intelligent argument".
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Dear Vil,

I'll be happy if you could explain how being witty fits here, I'm asking this because I always associate wit with humour not just cleverness. In your example, the man obviously tries to rationalize (actually justify) his bad behaviours. And from "with a good deal of cleverness" , I could infer that he uses some subtle logic, but for being witty he needs to mix some humour into it, which it's not something I see in your text.

This post of mine is solely based on what I understand by the word "wit". So, if I misunderstood it at all, I'd happy to be corrected.

Thanks in advance.
Hi dear euncu,

I couldn’t speak volumes about my interpretation of the expression in question because I am not skillful at the rhetoric (i.e. I have not a good grasp of the art of using English language effectively and persuasively).

Here are a few words concerning an inclusive consideration of the notion “wit”.
You are in right to think that wit = banter, drollery, facetiousness, fun, humor, jocularly, levity, repartee, but, in my humble opinion, wit = brains, cleverness, common sense, insight, intellect, intelligence, judgement, reason, understanding, wisdom.

wit God wot = God know

to have one’s wit about one

to live by one’s wits

the five wits

wit (n) the natural ability to perceive and understand; intelligence
a person of exceptional intelligence

Wit implies intellectual keenness and the ability to perceive and express in a diverting way analogies between dissimilar things: "Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words" (Dorothy Parker).

wit: Definition, Synonyms from Answers.com

wittily adv. in a witty manner; wisely; ingeniously; artfully;

witty suggests cleverness and quickness of mind <a witty remark>

As a result of that all it’s my profound conviction that my interpretation of the expression in question is 100% right.


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