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Please help me reword this evaluation into an achievement award writeup.
JE1 (FMS, 1206, GPOI Program Management): Coordinated and led substantive preparation for the first comprehensive Security Assistance Review in Kazakhstan, to inform US and KAZ agencies on problems with over $60M in active foreign military sales and associated programs, as well as to develop solutions. In a follow-on US Helicopter technical support team visit, Zhalgas ensured that the team had information and logistical support to get Air Defense Forces Huey II aircraft flying in time for Exercise STEPPE EAGLE -- reestablishing unit trust in the US program after numerous delays and difficulties. Played a critical role in tracking and clearing over 30 shipments for 1206 and FMS equipment, valued over $3M. Led preparation for mobile training teams on underwater operations, small boat operations and maintenance, peacekeeping English language capability, and staff operations to enhance capabilities of KAZ Special Operations to respond to maritime threats and capabilities of KAZBRIG to participate in multinational peace operations -- two critical elements of the 5-Year Bilateral Cooperation Plan. Personally coordinated engineer oversight for GPOI construction project to provide KAZBRIG with a world-class staff and language training facility, overcoming differences in national standards and breaks in contracting officer support in this initial Army Corps of Engineer project in Central Asia. His efforts set the example for security assistance offices in South and Central Asia.

JE2 (IMET/CTFP Program Management): Planned and managed maximal implementation of $850,000 in IMET and CTFP funding, to facilitate 24 KAZ officer and NCO attendance at US courses ranging from initial officer/NCO courses to senior service colleges. Provided quality control to ensure all courses were implemented in accordance with funding guidlines. Coordinated and guided first comprehensive Defense Language Insitute and Communications and Electronics Command assessment of Kazakhstani military English language programs, not only reinforcing effectiveness of existing programs, but also looking at emerging programs to support Special Operations Forces. Displayed exceptional initiative, judgement, and adaptibility to ensure responsive management of IMET and CTFP with full fiscal acccountability. CENTCOM Inspector General (IG) Team noted that IMET and CTFP areas were "superbly managed" -- the team's highest comment in its report.

JE3 (Military Contact Program Oversight): His insight, guidance, and cross-cultural communications skills were essential to successful support for 12 military-to-military contact events, and he provided oversight and direction for implementation of over 130 total events during the evaluation period -- a significant increase from 52 events in 2007. He has steeered events and programs to enhance not only cooperation and mutual understanding between armd forces, but also the effectiveness of FMS and 1206 equipment programs -- for example, integrated component inventories, maintenance/sustainment and operational orientation into contact event on 1206-fielded water purification units to build KAZBRIG capabilities. Escorted a senior MOD Special Operations Forces delegation to the SOCCENT Symposium in Jordan, and interpreted there for meetings with senior SOCCENT leaders to ensure effective bilateral engagement in a critical emerging area.

JE4 (CN Program Oversight): Provided mentorship for CN Program Coordinator in implementation of 5 CN projects and 6 military contact events, execution of $2M budget for FY09 and planning for $4M budget in FY10. Managed initial implementation of SARMS resource management software for CN administrative/logistic and travel funds, significantly increasing accountability and visibility of CN funding.

JE5 (Office Budget Management): Led Office preparations for CENTCOM Inspector General inspection in Jun 2009, in absence of OMC NCOIC. Managed $150,000 for FY09 DSCA-funded office travel, pay/allowances, communications, transportation and logistic support with full accountability, and developed FY10 projections to ensure continued support. Personally tracked average of 15 transactions per week for sustainment activities, in addition to program execution.

JE6 (PME Engagement Support): Drafted and coordinated the first bilateral memorandum of agreement between KAZ Defense Ministry and US Military Academy to form the policy and logisitc basis for fully reciprocal student and faculty exchanges between PME insitutions. Personally coordinated and led 7 pedagogical and cadet exchanges between US service academies and KAZ Ground Forces, ADF, Naval and Defense counterparts. Organized the first Regional English Language Training Seminar at the Defense Institute with DLI and instructors from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan -- DLI leadership cited his role as key in successful execution. Zhalgas' tireless efforts in four other DLI bilateral exchanges with their English- and foreign-language counterparts at the Defense Institute have also further increased the effectiveness of Defense Institute language programs to prepare KAZ military for fuller participation in US/NATO courses and multinational operations in line with national and combined goals.

Other Comments: Zhalgas Ospanov's mentorship and functional guidance throughout the Office has been vital to maintaining full operations and accountability despite intensified Office activities in FY09, Chief rotation, and 5-month absence of an NCOIC.
Althought the thing is already quite wordy, people might want to know what the person developed solutions to.
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