[Idiom] It keeps you running my fave.

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Jan 13, 2008
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I posted a song in a Facebook group, and a member wrote: "I love the Doobie Brothers. It keeps you running my fave". What does it mean? I couldn't find the meaning anywhere.
I posted a song in a Facebook group, and a member wrote: "I love the Doobie Brothers. It keeps you running my fave". What does it mean? I couldn't find the meaning anywhere.

I love the Doobie Brothers. "It Keeps You Runnin'" is my favorite song.
I would never have guessed. There was no punctuation!!!!!!!
This is why learners will always struggle to learn anything useful about grammatical English from social media posts. Missing punctuation, lack of capitalisation and omission of entire words are all common issues with many posts.
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