patio/porch roof and patio/porch cover

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Junior Member
May 23, 2024
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Which of these collocations sound natural?

patio roof
porch roof
patio cover
porch cover
Please give us complete sentences to consider. Also, when asking us for the correct terminology for something, it really helps to add an image of the thing you're trying to name. Patios and porches are completely different things. Roofs and covers are completely different things.
Also posted on Stack Exchange.

Please note that posting the same query on multiple forums simultaneously is frowned upon.

Perhaps a mod can elaborate more about this.
Several members here are also members on other forums. It's very frustrating for us to spend time and effort responding on one forum and then go to another forum and find it has already been dealt with there. That's why we ask members not to post the same question on more than one forum.
@Idk2222 Please see my post on your other recent thread regarding posting on multiple forums.
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