[Essay] Personal practice

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Feb 26, 2017
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I wrote this and the following essay yesterday. There is no rush for checking them since this is only personal practice for an exam I have the next month. Thanks and Sorry for posting a lot today.:):)

Why failure is good for success?

At first sight, failure tends to be seen as a tragic event that should be avoided at all costs; even so, over the history the majority of the greatest breakthroughs and inventions were preceded by a series of missteps. This fact clearly evidence that failure is not a bad thing at all.
To start with, failure and defeat are life’s greatest teachers. Without them we would not have the necessity of improving and doing our best. When we accomplish a challenging and demanding goal we seem to appreciate it more than if we could have got it easily.
It prevents us from repeating the same mistakes over and over again. When we take a footpath which doesn’t lead us to our objective, we have always the chance to get another way which means to change the strategies and techniques we have used.
It is a fact that great success depends on great risk. As human beings, we have the natural tendency of feeling fear of unknown situations which defends against different dangers but sometimes that feeling helds us back and has a bad effect on our increasement. We have to get out from our comfort zone and find out all the great opportunities the world may have prepared for us. Obviously, taking risks requires preparation, practice and some awareness of your strengths and weaknesses.
To wrap it all, the key to every success is to never give up and stay positive towards the steppingstones you may encounter. Remember “the sweetest victory is the one that’s most difficult”.
There is no rush for checking them ...

Well, that's good because we don't work to other people's timescales. We look at posts when we have the time and the inclination. Users who do try to get us to do things fast usually find it has the opposite effect.
Why failure is good for success.

[STRIKE]At first sight,[/STRIKE] Initially, failure [STRIKE]tends to[/STRIKE] might be seen as a tragic event that should be avoided at all costs. Even so, [STRIKE]over the[/STRIKE] throughout history, the majority of the greatest breakthroughs and inventions were preceded by a series of missteps. This fact clearly demonstrates [STRIKE]evidence[/STRIKE] that failure is not a bad thing at all.

To start with, failure and defeat are life’s greatest teachers. Without them, we would not have the [STRIKE]necessity of improving and doing[/STRIKE] incentive to improve and do our best. When we accomplish a challenging and demanding goal, we seem to appreciate it more than if we could have [STRIKE]got[/STRIKE] achieved it easily.

[STRIKE]It[/STRIKE] Failure also prevents us from repeating the same mistakes over and over again. When we take a [STRIKE]foot[/STRIKE] path which doesn’t lead us to our objective, we have always the chance to [STRIKE]get[/STRIKE] choose another way, which means to change the strategies and techniques we have used.

It is a fact that great success depends on great risk. As human beings, we [STRIKE]have the[/STRIKE] naturally tend [STRIKE]ency of[/STRIKE] to feel [STRIKE]ing[/STRIKE] [STRIKE]fear[/STRIKE] afraid of unknown situations, which is a [STRIKE]defends[/STRIKE] defense mechanism against [STRIKE]different[/STRIKE] various dangers, but sometimes that feeling [STRIKE]helds[/STRIKE] holds us back and [STRIKE]has a bad effect on[/STRIKE] impedes our progress. [STRIKE]increasement.[/STRIKE] We have to get out [STRIKE]from[/STRIKE] of our comfort zone and find out all the great opportunities the world may have prepared for us. Obviously, taking risks requires preparation, practice and some awareness of your strengths and weaknesses.

To sum up, [STRIKE]wrap it all,[/STRIKE] the key to every success is to never give up and stay positive [STRIKE]towards the steppingstones[/STRIKE] in the face of challenges you may encounter. Remember “the sweetest victory is the one that’s most difficult”.
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