Preparing an offer

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May 3, 2016
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Hi can you please help me? I want to say in business English to a costumer that I'm preparing an offer to him. An offer to purchase a product. How do I say this? Thanks.
Hi​. Can you please help me? I want to [STRIKE]say[/STRIKE] tell a customer in business English [STRIKE]to a costumer [/STRIKE]that I'm preparing an offer [STRIKE]to[/STRIKE] for him - an offer to purchase a product. How do I say this? Thanks.

Welcome to the forum. :hi:

Please see my corrections above. Note the correct spelling of customer.

We don't write letters for people here. Try to write the letter yourself, post it in the Editing and Writing Topics section and then we can look at it.
If he is the customer, he buys the product from you. You prepare a quotation.

If he is the supplier, you buy the product from him. You prepare a request for a quotation/request for proposal.
I assumed the OP was offering to buy a product on behalf of the customer. I'll be interested to see what transpires.
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