[Idiom] Sentence on T-shirt

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If then else

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Jun 29, 2015
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Hi Teacher,

I am going to buy a t-shirt from the Runkeeper.com website. This website is for runner and I see there are two sentences on T-shirt that I totally do not understand. They are:

"I'm too busy for this run."

Another t-shirt:
"Running. You've done worse for free beer"


Could you please explain what meaning of above sentences are?

Thank you!

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The first one seems very straight-forward. I have too many other things in my life to want to go for a run.
People will do things they don't want to do very much (like help a friend move) if they will be given beer. I guess they are comparing how much they don't enjoy running with other things.

Both seem odd for runners to wear.
Yeah, they both do seem sort of anti-running. Perhaps that's the point, it's some kind of self-deprecating joke.

Perhaps the 2nd one is just interested in doing a beer mile. :-?
T-shirts are probably a worse source of language than songs. ;-)
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