[General] Sentence structure with the word "though"

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Apr 19, 2020
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I feel there is something wrong with my second sentence below.
Appreciate you can help me with it.

"The laptop produced by this manufacturer is of superior quality. The price is relatively higher though at $2000 per piece, but it is worth the quality."

Or should it be,

"The price at $2000 per piece is relatively higher though, but it is worth the quality."

Or there is a need to place commas because "at $2000 per piece" is a non-restrictive clause.

"The price, at $2000 per piece, is relatively higher though, but it is worth the quality."
The word though doesn't belong in those sentences because you already have but.
Higher than what? I would call it a unit of laptop. "Piece" is for things like clothing.
Higher than what? I would call it a unit of laptop. "Piece" is for things like clothing.

Hi tedmc,

I am trying to say that it is higher than market price.
Hi tedmc,

I am trying to say that it is higher than market price.

You use the comparative only when there is something to compare with. Otherwise use the base adjective.
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