The Difference between "strange" and "wonderful"

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Apr 7, 2012
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Hi everyone! I have a question now.
One of the meanings of "strange" is "surprising",and one of the meanings of "wonderful" is "... making sb feel surprised".I wonder what's the differences between the two when I what to express something surprising.
Where did you find that maning of 'wonderful'?
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 7
Some other webs also show that meaning.
I suggest you forget that meaning. For 99% of us, when we use "wonderful" we mean "very, very good."

Same with "awesome." If I want to say "it filled me with awe" I would say "awe-inspiring" because "awesome" has also come to mean (for most peopl) "very, very good."
My (8th) edition says, "making you feel surprised or admiration SYN remarkable: It's wonderful what you can do when you have to. Interesting. That meaning of 'wonderful hadn't occurred to me, and I have to say that am not particularly happy with it. I have just checked in the first ten dictionaries here , and the closest that I found to that was the AHD's " Capable of eliciting wonder; astonishing: “The … whale is one of the most wonderful animals in the world” (Charles Darwin)".

In your particular example, 'surprising' would be possible, though the two words do not mean the same thing. In most of the dictionary examples I found, including the one from Darwin in the AHD, 'surprising' would gave a clearly different meaning.
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