"Those who" vs "Them who"

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Dec 16, 2012
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1. I pity those who lost their money in gambling.
2. I pity them who lost their money on gambling.
3. This action was performed by her who was the secretary of XYZ company.
4. He with the hat knows her with the scarf.
I know the first one is correct, but I think there is nothing wrong grammatically with the second sentence, as both them and those are pronoun. Am I wrong somewhere? Please help me. Actually I want to know the grammatical rule where adding modifier is right, and where it's wrong.

Thanking you.
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#2 is wrong. It's OK if it stops right after "them."

"Those" can be used to start a clause. "Them" can't.
#2 is wrong. It's OK if it stops right after "them."

"Those" can be used to start a clause. "Them" can't.

Thank you for your short clear answer.
But what about the following -

The action was performed by she who is a secretary of XYZ company.
The action was performed by her who is good at stage-play.
I think 'by the woman' is correct.

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