[Grammar] trouble in 'ing'

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Dec 7, 2011
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Student or Learner
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United Arab Emirates
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United Arab Emirates

I'm in a trouble about 'ing'

Look at this sentence and tell me why we put 'ing' with it.

I miss wasting my time playing videogames !!

why does 'wasting' wrote it with ing ? I have to know a rule.

second, which one is correct;

I aim to study english and then continue studying my major
I aim to study english and then continue study my major

and why?

***** NOT A TEACHER *****


(1) Am I right that you used to waste a lot of time playing games? Now you do not waste time playing video games, but you miss those "good old days."

(2) When you say "I miss," people expect you to complete that sentence:

I miss my country. (If you have emigrated.) / I miss my parents. (If they have died)./ I miss Mona. (She fell in love with

another guy.)

(a) You notice that you need a noun (or pronoun) after "miss." English grammar uses the word "gerund" to refer to a

combination of verb + noun.

(i) I miss wasting my time playing video games.
(ii) I miss talking with my parents every day.
(iii) I miss being younger. (I am very old.)
(iv) Mr. Smith misses telling people what to do. (He was forced to retire.)
(v) Mrs. Smith misses having 10 servants. (Mr. Smith can now afford only 4 servants.)

When you get time, please check your books, the Web, or the search box at this website for "gerunds."


(3) I believe that the two "good" sentences are:

(a) I aim [I prefer "plan"] to study English and then [to] continue studying my major.

(i) The second "to" is not necessary. Since you are a student, you may wish to use it.
(ii) I believe that your sentence is fine. Congratulations!

(b) I aim to study English and then [to] continue to study my major.

(i) The underlined "to" is necessary. Why? Well, English is a very difficult language. After some verbs such as "continue,"

we can use the gerund (-ing word) or the infinitive (to- word):

Please continue asking any questions you wish.
Please continue to ask any questions you wish.

(P.S. May I most respectfully give you some advice? I think that you will get faster answers if you ask only one question in

each thread. Have a nice day!)
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