Poll: Iffy


Acceptable word
Unacceptable word

Statistics Poll Stats

This Poll:

  • Votes: 467
  • Comments: 4
  • Added: April 2004


M. T. Mohanna

It is quite shocking to find that so many consider this 'word', for want of a better description, acceptable.
What is the world coming to? Our linguistic role models ought to be re-evaluated.


Iffy sounds like it wouldn't be a word, but through time it has/will become one. It is an adjective describing a noun that is unsure, or has a lot of ifs involved.


That 'word' really annoys me. Perhaps I am being unfair, I have heard it used so many times by people I did not like that I do not like to use it myself lol! Hmmm 'iffy'-it sounds slang don't you think?


"Iffy" means "subject to accident, chance or change". Chancy and fluky are the synonyms.

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