Appearance Words- Opposites


Words for describing what people look like with opposite meanings review.

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Appearance word opposites games

Appearance word opposites drawing games

Choose one of the lines below and draw both sides until your partner can guess what you are drawing. If they can’t guess, you can show them the list below but don’t say anything.

  • a big nose/ a large nose – a little nose/ a small nose
  • a curved nose/ a hooked nose – a straight nose
  • a flat stomach – a bulging stomach/ a beer belly
  • a fringe – a parting
  • a round chin – a square chin
  • bearded/ hairy – clean shaven
  • beautiful/ good looking/ gorgeous/ handsome/ pretty/ stunning – ugly/ hideous
  • broad shoulders – narrow shoulders
  • bushy eyebrows/ thick eyebrows – thin eyebrows
  • chubby/ fat/ obese/ overweight – bony/ skinny/ slim/ thin
  • curly hair – straight hair
  • lanky/ long-limbed – stocky/ short-limbed
  • long hair – short hair/ skinhead
  • long legs – short legs/ stubby legs
  • old – young
  • short – tall
  • thick fingers – thin fingers

Do the same but drawing only one side of the line above. Your partner should say what you have drawn and then its opposite.


Appearance word opposites miming games

Secretly choose one of the lines below and mime both sides until your partner can guess what you are acting out. If they can’t guess, you can show them the list below but don’t say anything.

  • a big nose/ a large nose – a little nose/ a small nose
  • a curved nose/ a hooked nose – a straight nose
  • a flat stomach – a bulging stomach/ a beer belly
  • a fringe – a parting
  • a rough chin – a smooth chin
  • a round face – a square face
  • a smooth face/ a wrinkle-free face – a lined face/ a wrinkly face
  • big eyes/ round eyes – narrow eyes
  • broad shoulders – narrow shoulders
  • bushy eyebrows/ thick eyebrows – thin eyebrows
  • chubby/ fat/ obese/ overweight – bony/ skinny/ slim/ thin
  • curly hair – straight hair
  • long hair – short hair/ skinhead
  • long legs – short legs/ stubby legs
  • long…– short…
  • old – young
  • scruffy – smart
  • short – tall

Do the same, but miming only one side of the line above. Your partner should say what you have mimed and then say its opposite.

Appearance word opposites reversi

Fold the cards that you are given to make double-sided cards with opposites on each side, e.g. “a big nose/ a large nose” on one side and “a little nose/ a small nose” on the other. Spread the cards across the table, either side up. One person should try guessing what is on the other side of as many cards as possible, continuing until they make a mistake. Any which are correct should be left the other way up so that the next time they need to be guessed the other way round. The next person can do the same cards again, new cards, or (probably) a mix of both. The person who manages the longest string of correct guesses without a mistake in one turn (e.g. seven in a row the third time that you try) wins the game.


Cards to cut up/ Suggested answers


a big nose/ a large nose



a little nose/ a small nose


a curved nose/ a hooked nose



a straight nose


a flat stomach/ a six-pack



a bulging stomach/ a beer belly



a fringe



a parting


a rough chin



a smooth chin/ a cleanly shaven chin


a round chin



a square chin


a round face



a square face


a smooth face/ a wrinkle-free face



a lined face/ a wrinkly face


bald/ hairless



hairy/ long haired


beautiful/ good looking/ handsome/ pretty





beautiful/ gorgeous/ stunning





big eyes/ round eyes



narrow eyes


big/ large…



little/ small…


massive/ huge/ enormous/ gigantic…



tiny/ minuscule…


broad shoulders



narrow shoulders


bushy eyebrows/ thick eyebrows



thin eyebrows


busty/ buxom





chubby/ fat/ obese/ overweight



bony/ skinny/ slim/ thin


curly hair



straight hair


dark hair



fair hair


dark skin


light skin/ pale skin



lanky/ long-limbed



stocky/ short-limbed


long legs



short legs/ stubby legs


scruffy/ messy














Test each other on the words above.


Appearance word opposites coin game

Flip a coin, hiding it under your other hand. If your partner can guess which side is up (heads, the side with a picture such as someone’s head, or tails, the side with a number), then can write down their choice of appearance words and you have to write down the opposite. If they didn’t guess correctly, then the person who flipped the coin can decide which word or phrase they want and so what the other person must write. For this to work, all the words and expressions chosen must be ones that have opposites, e.g. those in the lists above.

Switch roles and do the same until your teacher stops you. When your teacher stops the game, decide which person sounds most attractive, scariest, etc, perhaps after each of you draw someone that matches all the things that you each wrote. If you did draw the person, you, your partner and/ or someone from another group can then describe your picture, as much as possible without looking at the lists of words above.  


Appearance word opposites roleplays

You are going to recruit someone for one of the jobs below and must decide with your partner what kind of person you are looking for. Every time that someone suggests a characteristic of their appearance, the other person should take a different or opposite point of view, e.g. insisting on someone short if the other person said they should be tall.

  • Actor
  • Bodyguard/ Security guard
  • Cabin crew
  • Spy/ Undercover policeman
  • Official spokesperson
  • Daytime talk show host
  • Landlord of a traditional local pub

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