IELTS Speaking Part 2- Transport & Travel


Transport and travel vocabulary and IELTS Speaking practice

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Transport and travel IELTS Speaking and vocabulary

 What are the similarities and differences between these two tasks?


Describe the transport system for commuters in your city or country. You should say

  • What kind of transport is available
  • Which kind of transport is the most popular
  • What the good points and bad points of the transport system is

And say how you think it should be changed in the future.




Describe a long-distance journey you have been on. You should say

  • Where you went
  • What kind or kinds of transport you used
  • What the good things and bad things about the journey were

And say whether you would like to go on the same journey again and why


Which task is about travelling to and from work? Which one could include travelling abroad on holiday?


Add types of transport (e.g. tram) and other vocabulary connected to travelling (e.g. passport) to the two columns below-


Long distance travel





















Add this vocabulary to a column or the columns above:

  • A return ticket
  • Air pollution
  • Automated train/ driverless train
  • Bullet train
  • Commuting times
  • Cyclists
  • Electric cars
  • Fold-up bicycle
  • Inter-city freeways
  • Monorail
  • Pedal
  • Road accidents
  • Road tunnel
  • Security cameras
  • Subway/ underground/ tube
  • Traffic jams
  • Tram/ street car
  • Travel pass
  • Vandalism


IELTS exam speaking practice

IELTS Speaking Part One on transport and travel practice

Take turns asking each other about your foreign travels and commuting for 4 minutes each, 2 minutes for each topic.


IELTS Speaking Part Two on transport and travel practice

Take turns setting the Part Two tasks above for each other. The examiner should tell the candidate that they have to speak for 1 or 2 minutes but have one minute to prepare and can make notes first. Make sure you listen to your partner and ask them one more question about what they said when they finish (or interrupt them after 2 minutes with the question).


IELTS Speaking Part Three on transport and travel practice

Using the vocabulary above, ask more general questions about your partner’s opinions on transport and travel, e.g. “Do you think that…?”/ “In your country,…?”/ “Do people your age…?”

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