sentence correction

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Apr 12, 2010
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Which is better, #1 or #2 ?

(1) It's my duty to be ready to help other people.

(2) It's my duty to help other people who are in need.
I think the second is better. because in the first sentence, it is likely to be: Being ready to help others is my duty.
Which is better, #1 or #2 ?

(1) It's my duty to be ready to help other people.

(2) It's my duty to help other people who are in need.
They are both fine.
I am also confused by the following sentences, is it acceptable?

An instant later, the poor old beggar transformed into a wealthy man with a crown and a bag of jewels.
I am also confused by the following sentences, is it acceptable?

An instant later, the poor old beggar transformed into a wealthy man with a crown and a bag of jewels.

Yes, it is fine. I am guessing the previous sentence was something like, "The man wished to be rich."

"An instant later" means he became rich very quickly after wishing - instantly.
Which is better, #1 or #2 ?

(1) It's my duty to be ready to help other people.

(2) It's my duty to help other people who are in need.
(not a teacher)
Both are okay to me.
But I prefer (2) to (1):
It's my duty(obligation) to help other people in need.
If you say 'other people who are in need' it does sound as if you too are in need.
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