We've figured/figured out a lot about how ...


Jul 13, 2023
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Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace were the first to put all of the pieces together into a unified explanation that would radically alter our understanding of life on our planet.
But our understanding of evolutionary theory didn’t stop there.
We’ve learned a lot -- and we’re still learning.
In the last 160 years, we’ve learned what Darwin and Wallace didn’t know, and we’ve figured out a lot about how evolution actually works - like how it can produce the incredible array of animals you see here, and how we know they’re all related.

Source: How Evolution Works (And How We Figured It Out), PBS, YouTube

The Britannica Dictionary
2 US, informal
a [+ object] : to understand or find (something, such as a reason) by thinking
figure out
a :
to understand or find (something, such as a reason or a solution) by thinking

Does "figured" work in this context?
Last edited:
The figuring is in the past. So, no.
We've figured it out - We've worked on it (in our heads), and now we understand it

I hope you know what "figured out" means now. If not then you still need to work on it some, don't you?
We've figured out a lot about how ... ✅
We've figured a lot about how ... ❌

Note that the phrasal verb can be split, leading to:
We've figured a lot out about how ... ✅

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